Friday, September 20, 2013

League of Legends

League of legendsLeague of legends (LoL) are one of my favourite games I've had ever played, this game allows you to find a character that you like and play with it. There are 2 systems of money there is RP (riot points) and there is IP (influence points) which you can get from winning battles. With the money in this game you can buy characters permanently because what happens is every week there are free characters/ champions. And every week they change. When you battle it's not just a normal 5-20min battle it's a full 40 battle (depends what map you play on) in the game there are 4 maps: summoner’s rift, twisted treeline, howling abyss and another one. In the battle mana is your duty because mana is your power for abilities, in abilities you need to upgrade your: Q W E and R, your R is your special ability. You don't always need to stick with those abilities you can go to the shop and buy something (in game money, when you kill someone you get in game money) attack defence health mana speed armour and more. The item can be ignited by pressing the number on display (like 1,2,3,4,5,6 it goes up to six that’s all) there are enemy bosses. And there are lanes top mid and bot. There is this thing called battle fog go get rid of it you need to walk to it but then fog will start behind you. When the battle it's over if you win or lose you will still get money because it would be ridicules if you did a 50 min battle and got nothing but winning will still give you more IP the only way to get RP is to buy it. At the end you can do rematch and give people: honourable opponent, team work, friendly, useful. The game is pretty sick I recommend you get it

RATING: 8/10


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