Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just cause 2

Just cause 2

Just cause 2 is an awesome game where you get to shoot and take over enemy bases, steal air-planes, gain chaos and loads more. The map is incredibly HUGE; over 45 km! The game is just awesome how it can render so much lag. If I were you, I would buy it on PS3 because the game is too laggy on the computer even if you have a good computer. The game is one of the best shooting games in the world. In the game you get to steal cars take over Faction strongholds and more. Faction strongholds are bases where you need to make friends and take over military bases. The more military bases that have been taken over the more Chaos you get in the game. Your objective is to try to kill an American that is fully armed. When you get to a mounded gun you can press (Space) and you can take off the gun and use it on foot.

The game can be from chiming buildings to car-jacking  There are heat pursuits, Heat 1, Heat 2 and Heat 3. Heat 1 is just enemy Jeeps attacking you with machine guns. Heat 2 is motorcycles chasing you with a swagged off shot gun and Jeeps  Heat 3 is helicopters shooting at you and everything else. And if you are travelling on water or close to a beach there are enemy boats with a machine gun. The best thing of the game is you don't have to do missions you can just roam around, and if you do want to do a mission you need to travel to your Faction base to do the mission. the game allows you with infinite shoots and the game also allows you with a grappling-hook. The game is truly amazing. but remember 13+

Rating: 9.5/10

Consoles: PC, PS3

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