Friday, January 4, 2013

Powder-Toy Legacy

Powder Toy is a awesome game where you get to explore game levels that were made by other people. But the thing is, the game does not go full screen and you can’t expand it so that's probably the thing they need to fix. In the game there are explosive stuff which I like :) if you mix NITR with FIRE it makes a high impacted bomb. The game has sections. Walls, Electronics, Powered materials, Sensors, Force, Explosives, Gasses, Liquids, Powders, Solids, Radioactive, Special and Game of life, there are also other extra sections:
Tools, Decoration tools and obviously Search for elements. There are a Bucket load of elements so beware when you click Search for elements, beware of lag (unless you have windows 7). The game is never endless because there is always something to explore because this game updates a lot of times (near 3-4 weeks). in the game you can make: guns, rockets, nukes, lava flood, water flood, cites, electric, lasers, art, explosions and you can even make stickman races. When you play the game it will start off as a brand new page. The main thing is to make walls so all of the solids and liquids could go inside, once you finish the walls you can do whatever you like. When you press 'W' it will allow you to change the gravity of your build, for instance if you want to build a perfect round ball in the middle of the screen like a planet, this might be useful. In the game you can build anything and when I say anything I mean EVERYTHING. In the game you can do arts like: Wall-art, Pixel-art, Motorised-art and lots more. when you hit a number key it will show you a number of displays like: #1 key Velocity display, #2 key Pressure display, #3 key Persistent display, 4# key Fire display, #5 key Blob display, #6 key Heat display, #7 key Fancy display, #8 key Nothing display, #9 key Heat gradient display and #0 key Alternative Velocity display. if you have a stickman you can control it with the <^> (arrow) keys, but if you have a stickman 2 you can control it with WAD the Down arrow key and the S key make the figure throw dust. When the figure throws the dust it throws the dust that has been walked over by the figure, and it also breaths fire if it touches it (please fix this fire breathing bug). But the game is still a load of fun :D
Powder toy awesome spiral explosion

Rating: 6.5/10

Consoles: PC

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