Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ratchet & Clank: A crack in time

Ratchet and Clank: a crack in time

A crack in time is an epic game with some graphic improvements from the other ratchet & clank games.
the first Ratchet & Clank game had poor graphics, but compared to this... they say it’s another universe
There isn't allot of guns to buy but they are powerful  Through the game you are suppose to collect bolts as always but they have also added 'Zoni'. Zoni are lost powered robots, once you collect them. (Swing the wrench to grab one) but there is something that makes it harder, the Zoni can fly with their mini rockets, the good thing is they don't attack. Through the game you meet other players; you know how people say Ratchet is the only Lombax in the universe... Well he is not; through the game you will meet a player called 'Azimuth'. When you meet him he will think that you are on Dr Nefarious side, so he will try to stop you by putting bombs everywhere on a Rail.. Once you reach to the other end of the rail he will clob you in a wall (then he will take a close look at you and he will notice, He is a Lombax too) then he immediately puts you down and says Random stuff. One you start a new game it will give you an option to set your Difficulty: 1) Casual, 2) Medium and 3) Hard. And if you win the game once you unlock a new difficulty called 'Hardcore' This difficulty setting are for true professionals at the game. There are funny and unusual weapons like the gravitron clove, the grovitron glove is a funny glove, it forces other enemies to dance from a disco ball, wile they are dancing you shoot them, once you shoot them they will still be dancing (and plays good music). The game it’s just awesome you should get the game (game is for 10+)

Rating 8.5/10

Consoles: PS3, PSP, Vita  

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